Welcome to the Duke of Edinburgh section of the Fullbrook Website. Below you will find the basic information about how we run the DofE Award at Fullbrook and sources of information to help you understand what is involved in the completion of your award at any level.
DofE is a program completed by young people between the ages of 14 and 25. At Fullbrook we aim to launch the program at the Bronze Level in the summer term of Year 9 . Silver is completed at the end of Year10 and 11 and Gold in F6.
Each Award has 4 sections (5 for Gold). The volunteering, physical and skill sections are completed in your own time and the timescales for each level are outlined here:
Students do lots of different things to complete these sections. If you are not sure, please ask one of the school DofE Team.
The best know part of DofE is the expedition. As it is a group activity and requires qualified supervisors we are limited when this can take place. Below is the usual timings for the different expeditions but these are subject to change depending on school activities and staff availability.

Students will require some specialist kit for the expeditions. We have some kit available to borrow and will supply students with stoves and gas for cooking. You can find the guidance for DofE Expedition kit here: https://www.dofe.org/shopping/dofe-expedition-kit-list/
Once a student is enrolled on DofE they will get a discount card that can save money on kit. Major retailers such as Go Outdoors, Millets & Blacks will also offer advice on the best kit to purchase. We will also run some sessions on what to pack and how to pack it!
Day to day communication with students will be via ClassCharts. Enrolled students will be added to the DofE Students Team and can access a large amount of information in the files section there.
Specific information regarding expeditions will be sent home to parents via email and posted in ClassCharts. Each expedition will require a new medical/consent form for which the link will go to parents via email/ClassCharts.
eDofE is the online portal for students to record their activities. Once enrolled students will be sent emails with login details. They will set up their account and log their activities. Assessor reports for each activity should be enter via the assessor portal (www.dofe.org/assessors). Please remember assessors cannot be family members.