If you are concerned about any child please do let us know using the email address cp@fullbrook.surrey.sch.uk

Or call us on: 01932 349301

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Miss A Wallis – Safeguarding Lead

Mr D Stent – Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J Edwards – Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs D Mutto – Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Miss E Lawrence – Designated Teacher for Looked After Children


As well as our Heads of Learning:

Year 7 –  Mr S Wright
Year 8 –  Ms K Billingham
Year 9 –  Mr N Jones
Year 10 – Mr T Deane
Year 11 – Mr R Smith

The safeguarding governor is Mrs C Ramdhony

Please click here to download the Fullbrook School Safeguarding policy

Please click here to download the Fullbrook School Whistleblowing policy


Child Protection Websites:

Click here to visit the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Ceop Centre Website

Click here to visit CEOP’s Thinkuknow Website