Thank you for your interest in Fullbrook. The following admissions policies provide full details of the criteria used when allocating places for September entry to Year 7 and to Fullbrook 6, as well as to in-year admissions for all year groups.


2024/25 Determined Admission Arrangements

The 2025/26 admissions policies for Years 7 to 11 and Fullbrook 6 have now been determined and can be accessed below. The policies will be applied to all applications for the September 2025 intake and to all in-year applications for the 2025/26 academic year.


Admissions Documents


How to apply for a place in Year 7 for September 2024

Applications must be made through Surrey County Council. Details of how to apply can be found on their website. The 2024/25 admissions policy provided below, will be applied to all applications for the September intake, and the 2023/24 admissions policy will be applied to all in-year applications for the 2023/24 academic year


Admissions Documents


In-Year Admissions

Applications should be made via Surrey County Council. Details of how to apply can be found on the in-year applications pages of their website.

Applications for admission during the 2024/25 academic year will be considered under the agreed arrangements for 2024/25 (see below)


For guidance on the admission of children from overseas please click here.

Applications for entry to Fullbrook 6

Applications to Fullbrook 6 should be made via the Fullbrook 6 website where admissions policies for 2023/24, 2024/25 and 2025/26 are also provided.



In-year or immediate entry appeals

Appeals resulting from in-year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

The appeals timetable for the Year 7 intake for September 2024 can be found here

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my child get a place at Fullbrook if they attend a main feeder school but we live outside of the admissions area?

If your child attends Byfleet Junior, Ottershaw Primary, New Haw Junior, Pyrford Junior, St Mary’s (Byfleet) or West Byfleet Junior there is a good chance that they will get a place at Fullbrook, however if there are over 240 applications, priority will go to children who live within the Admission Area.


Do I live within the Admissions Area?

Please look at the Admissions Area map (Above)